Thursday, November 27, 2008

Point Nepean National Park

Point Nepean National Park is about 95km from Melbourne. I took a train to Frankston follow by one and a half hour bus ride to Portsea, which it is located. At Point Nepean, there are three forts, which used to had very BIG gun, a former quarantine station, old cemetery and a former range area which said to have unexploded ordnance. The old quarantine station is not open to public yet, and it open to public in March 2009. I did miss one or two interesting locations because the timing is a little tight. I may want visit again next year for the quarantine station and the few unexplored area. It is just one of the few places that worth visiting again for the scenery.

Welcome to Point Nepean National Park

The old firing range.

Of course, no entering into the former range because of 'UNEXPLODED BOMBS'!

The Point Nepean Cemetery which is more than 150 years old.

The ruins of the Cattle Jetty built in 1879.

Victim of coastal erosion.

The long beach walk which stretches about 1.7km.

Remain of a puffer fish.

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